How To Install Cube LED Work Lights
Installing LED work lights is quite a task. If you have no idea how to install LEDs, it’s essential to learn how to do it before actually giving it a try.
In this guide, let’s talk about installing cube LED work lights and the pulse plug to your Polaris Ranger.
Step 1
Begin by eliminating the hood from the machine and putting it away.
After that, slowly remove and set aside the pushpins while holding the dash’s upper portion.
Check thoroughly and remove all of them out. Remove the top two on the dash cluster.
Once you have removed all the pushpins from the upper portion, you can now take a look at the machine. There will be one found straightforwardly down under the grab handle.
Once you pull open the storage compartment, you’ll see four T25 screws. Please remove them and set them aside.
Once you do so, you’ll be able to separate the storage compartment. Remove it and keep it aside. You’ll locate two pushpins inside of it, remove them.
The opposite side contains one pushpin in a similar location. After you take the instrument cluster away, you’ll see two more pushpins. Remove them real fast.
You don’t have to remove the dash entirely. Instead, get rid of the hardware. This will help you fix it once you are done with the wiring.
Step 2
You can now mount your brackets to the cube lights. It’s going to be the final product that goes into the brackets.
Consider having the Pro-Fit cage mount. This comes with the cube light, and the hardware is offered with the mount.
Fix it like you normally do to LED lights. Then, tuck in the wiring behind your dash. Make sure to keep them in place not to pop out, making it even harder.
Take the cube light and bracket that comes with the cube light kit. Take the hardware and put it through the relevant bracket.
Fix the bolt and make sure it stays perfectly in the bracket. Use a screwdriver or magnet to tighten the nut right down the channel.
Once you have done it, use the Allen wrench and thread it into it. Repeat the same to the other side. Keep the bracket loose enough so that you can fix it the way you want.
Step 3
In this step, you’ll be doing the wiring. Pull the dummy plug out of the pulse bar. Make sure to snap it really well so that it doesn’t move. There will be wiring leads, and you should let them be for a while.
Take the harness and find the rocker switch portion. Leave it there and undo the connection.
After that, check inside the machine, and you’ll locate two pushpins in the rocker switch panel’s bottom. Remove the rocker switch panel and run the harness through it.
Pop the rocker switch into the dash’s cutout. Take the dash cluster, check the backside and locate the connector.
And then unplug it and set it away. Open the dash’s top portion and keep it like that. By doing so, you can see which wire goes where.
Step 4
Take the hardness and look for the leads to connect your Cube Work lights. There are connectors that you can easily find. Check the dash’s behind and run a connector for every side.
Check and run the hot and ground leads through the grommet. When you pull this through, you’ll be doing it for the fuse as well. If you don’t do this, you won’t have enough room for the connections.
You’ll have enough space for the connections when you pull it forward. Leave the leads like that and find a clamp to loosen the hardware.
Once done, mount it on the roll cage. Do the manual check, and use a ratchet to tighten it further.
You can now take the cube light, M8 hardware, and M8 lock washer. Mount it well. Take the lock washer and bolt to slide them through the hole.
Once you find the right position, tighten up the bolt. Once you do this, you can make the connection. Do the same for the other side.
Step 5
Fix the plug for the rocker switch below your dash and give connection. Take the excess wiring and zip tie it together in a loose knot.
Cut off the additional, and tuck them back into your dash. Put the rocker switch panel’s lower portion back. You can then lift your dash and pull it out completely or remove it.
You can do the same for the additional wiring for the leads. Loosely knit it and zip tie. Do the same for the opposite side.
Step 6
You’re now left with the bus and pulse bar. You can mount these anywhere you want.
But make sure to keep the plug facing down. This is important because then the water will not get stored.
Instead, it will runoff. You can keep it in place or remove it using a factory screw or self-tapping screw.
The third wire for the regular power on your plug isn’t for installation. But it will have power. You can simply cup and cap the wire, fold it up, and get it out of your way.
So when wiring the cube lights to the keyed-on power source, you’ll have to use the brown (ground), orange (12-volt keyed-on power source). You’ll find all the typed of connectors in the kit.
In this guide, we’re talking about blade connectors. Set the connectors down, get side cuts, and cut the connection off.
When you twist and tighten the wires, make sure they are tightened enough to go into the connector effortlessly. Then, slide it up the connector, and make sure there’s a solid connection.
Check and strip down the brown wire. Take the black wire, connect it to the brown wire on the pulse plug. Now send the red wire to orange and check the inside.
Once you’ve done all of these, double-check your connections. Install the dash’s upper portion and hood to tighten the hardware.
That’s all you have to do to install cube lights and pulse plugs to your Polaris Ranger.