Instructions To Get It Started – Rechargeable Wireless LED Mini Light Bars

Be cautious during operations of the charging port plug if it’s fully inserted. To get rid of the moisture or dirt and prevent damage.

Press the power button above the unit to switch on the portable wireless rechargeable mini LED light bar. Click on this button twice the flash pattern will be selected.

Hold and press the power button for about three seconds to switch off the mini light bar (wireless).

Afterward, if the unit is being restarted, the flash pattern would resume ( which was selected before the unit offs).

A light blinks closer to the power button once the light bar is switched on, and it indicates the battery level as in chart 1.

Portable Powered Battery Revolving LED Mini Light Bar with Magnetic Base for Police

How To Charge The Portable Light Bar 

Before usage, the light bar (wireless) should be charged.

The plug at the bottom of the light bar should be pulled out from the connector to get it charged.

Go for a suitable auxiliary power connection in the vehicle and plug in the power cord.

The unit would take 4.5hours approximately to charge completely.

As mentioned above, the charging status would be allocated by the light closer to the power button ( as in chart 1).

Once the charge gets completed, the light will turn green.

Magnetic Base Rechargeable Wireless Revolving LED Mini Bar

After that, as the charging process is over, unplug from the power cord.

Ensure the plug is correctly inserted into the connector because this prevents the light from moisture and dirt.

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