Wireless Rechargeable Battery Operation Mini Flashing LED Bar

For occasional users of ambulance LED strobe light bar, there has always been some inconvenience in powering these lights via a cord into the vehicle’s accessory/lighter socket.

Often the cord can trail across the dashboard interfering with instruments and providing a messy driving environment.

Some brands of strobe light bars have the option of dealing with easy recharging of cords. The performance comes with cordless operations. The operation life is somewhat 5 hours with a battery life of 2600mA Lithium.

The 84 high intensity with a pro feature for the flashing rechargeable wireless LED light bar has an impressive output quality. It comes with SAE, meeting the class 1 requirements of J845. The SAE stands for Society of Automotive Engineers. For achieving the higher standards and ratings, these standards are applied in Australia & USA.

Magnetic Base Rechargeable Wireless Revolving LED Mini Bar
Magnetic Base Rechargeable Wireless Revolving LED Mini Bar

The base of these lights is a strong and non-scriptable and magnetized base. This enables the light to resist even the high wind, up to the speed of 120 km/h. This allows the beacon to be used for both indoor and outdoor environments.

The material used in the manufacturing of beacons is tough. It mainly comprises of:

  • Sealed construction, with IP67 specification
  • The polycarbonate lens, which is unbreakable
  • Not moving objects
  • Circuitry which is solid-state

Rechargeable Wireless – Non-Remote Control

Rechargeable Wireless – Remote Control Version

The specifications make the light work even in a rough environment. It could include work for railroads, warehouses and for other transport environments.

Recharging is even easy with the help of a light socket cable and accessory, which is around 12V.

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